A huge blog list of feeds of favorite bloggers from The Social Poets blog: general musings, poetry, books, education, writing, publishing, life coaching and travel.
*** A huge blog list of feeds of favorite bloggers from The Social Poets blog : General musings blogs from many countries, original poetry, how to better your writing, blogs about books, education and learning, mountain climbing, life coaching and travel blogs of living in another country.
*** Thanks for visiting! I'm always adding to this list. If you wish to be added just email me: warriorspearl@gmail.com. Join me for coffee over at The Social Poets main blog! - Denny Lyon
From Denny: This has been an interesting week. The State of the Union address by President Obama basically summed up how the Republicans have been screwing over the entire country in every aspect of our lives and how much fun the Republicans have had screwing over Prez Obama at every turn while he continues to be inclusive and gracious to them.
Let's see, then our very own highest court in the land decided toscrew overthe American people by letting loose the floodgates of the greedy Big Business monopolies to fund elections and completely control the politicians elected. Granted, the corrupt basically control most of the politicians, all of the Republicans and far too many of the Democrats.
And the most recent group to get screwed over? The print publishing industry. Those adorable hold-in-your-hand books may soon be no more. Why anyone is shocked is the surprise. Come on; we all grew up on Star Trek and Sy-Fy spin-off shows where they featured hand-held computers and digital books decades before computers were any smaller than a football field, filling whole cavernous rooms like over at NASA. Of course, comparing Apple CEO, Steve Jobs, to God is a bit of a stretch - OK, it's downright creepy. :)
Take a look and chuckle for the day at how the cartoonists responded to this week's news stories:
*** THANKS for visiting, come back often, feel free to leave a comment, a big thank you and shout out to current subscribers - and if you are new to this blog, please subscribe in a reader or by email!
From Denny: The outpouring of donations worldwide for the relief of suffering in Haiti following a 7.0 devastating earthquake is incredible. The following are a list of 67 well-known established charities to which you can donate safely.
The Mobile Giving Foundation has received over $30 million in text pledges from cell phone donors the past two weeks. Even the Pew Research Center was well impressed and threw out some statistics:
14% donated by text message 12% donated by phone 23% donated via the web 5% donated via email 39% donated in person via a church or other group
Here's something I doubt any of us thought about when we donated by text message or phone: how long will it take for the phone companies to send out that donation? Turns out it can take from 30, even up to 60 days to transfer customers' contributions, which is then added to the mobile phone bills.
The biggest carriers like Verizon Wireless, AT&T, Sprint and T-Mobile have all decided to expedite those donations.
Here's each company's status:
Verizon Wireless: Last Friday, 22 January, they transferred $2.98 million. Today, 28 January, they transferred $4.84 million. Jeffrey Nelson declared the campaign "the largest outpouring of charitable support by texting in history — by far. In all of 2009, all mobile giving (via texting) to all charities totaled just under $4 million for the year."
AT&T: Donations are up to $10 million. The company says they will "advance payment of verified texted donations" to the Red Cross.
Sprint: Donations so far are $3.1 million. By Friday, 29 January, they will advance 80% of the donations with the remaining 20% placed into the usual 30 to 90 day settlement cycle.
T-Mobile: They are working hard to expedite on a weekly basis.
"HAITI" 90999 American Red Cross $10 "QUAKE" 20222 Clinton Bush Haiti Fund $10 "GIVE" 25383 MTV telethon $10 "HAITI" 25383 International Rescue Committee $5 "HAITI" 85944 International Medical Corps $10
"YELE" 501501 Yele Haiti foundation $5 "HAITI" 52000 The Salvation Army $10 "HOPE10" or "UNICEF" 20222 UNICEF $10 "HABITAT" 25383 Habitat for Humanity $10 "OXFAM" 25383 Oxfam America, Inc $10
"HAITI" 40579 National Religious Broadcasters $10 "SAVE" or "SAFE" 20222 Save the Children Federation $10 "GIVE" or "WORLD" 20222 World Vision, Inc $10 "CARE" 24383 CARE (Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere, Inc) $10 "AJWS" 25383 American Jewish World Service $10
*** THANK YOU FOR YOUR DONATIONS - even the smallest amount delivers a huge impact!
*** THANKS for visiting, come back often, feel free to leave a comment, a big thank you and shout out to current subscribers - and if you are new to this blog, please subscribe in a reader or by email!
From Denny: A few years before the disaster struck in Haiti, American Brad Johnson decided to move there and help the people in his parents' ongoing Christian mission to Haiti. He was in a unique position to help after the earthquake as he already had an established school, an orphanage and a medical clinic operating, along with plenty of supplies. His mission is just outside of Port-au-Prince. He is busy distributing supplies to survivors and has been within hours of when the disaster hit.
*** THANKS for visiting, come back often, a big shout out to current subscribers - and if you are new to this blog, please subscribe in a reader or by email!
From Denny: This is so funny, mainly because the lampooning Italians have us accurately nailed to the wall. If you have ever wondered what Americans sound like to others who speak different languages you will laugh at this. An Italian singer decided to write a song with nothing but gibberish to sound like it was intelligible English. Of course, the funniest thing of all is that often today's music sounds unintelligible to us as well! :) But hey, pop music is really all about the beat that makes you want to dance and have fun! ("That's my story and I'm sticking to it!" as the saying goes in America...) I guess Americans can remind themselves of the other saying: "Imitation is the greatest form of flattery." Anyway, you look at it, this little musical spoof is great fun!
*** THANKS for visiting, come back often and please subscribe in a reader or by email!
* When I give a lecture, I accept that people look at their watches, but what I do not tolerate is when they look at it and raise it to their ear to find out if it stopped. - Marcel Achard
* Time will explain it all. He is a talker, and needs no questioning before he speaks. - Euripides
* I would I could stand on a busy corner, hat in hand, and beg people to throw me all their wasted hours. - Bernard Berenson
* I've been on a calendar, but never on time. - Marilyn Monroe
* Time and Tide wait for no man, but time always stands still for a woman of thirty. -Robert Frost
*** THANKS for visiting, come back often, huge hug to current subscribers and if you are new to this blog, please subscribe in a reader or by email! :)
From Denny: You knew it was going to come at us full tilt - cartoonists lampooning the airport body scan debate. Tiger Woods got lucky in this week's news cycle.
Then there are those retiring politicians on both sides of the aisle like Senator Chris Dodd. People were happy with him until he was an advocate of the odious bailout monies for Wall Street, killing his popularity and trust with the people. He had done a lot of good in his many years of office but this was a serious political miscalculation.
Cartoonists - and the public - are still asking the age old question: Hey, old boys club, where's the change you've been promising the voters? Sure looks like business as usual at Capitol Hill. Yet another athlete disappoints those who were foolish enough to put him on a pedestal in the first place. Wall Street is as cavalier as ever with everyone else but their self-absorbed selves.
Old Rush took another hit for wanting attention so badly he faked a heart attack. Guess his bloated ego just couldn't stand it that the news world tilted to Hawaii while the President was trying to have some semblance of a vacation from the fools in Washington. The CIA took it on the chin, absorbing all the intelligence criticism, when the reality is there are a good deal more agencies involved who did not do their part properly "so easy a caveman could do it." (GEICO ad, how appropos since GEICO started out as a government insurance agency.)
Take a look at this week's funny roundup and enjoy!
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default; ...
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This will be the *final post at this site*.
If you signed up to r...
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into a ves...
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it seems (re edited)
*It so seems to me*
*That you spy me*
*From the corners of time*
*Which they say no longer is*
*For such thing*
*Does not exist*
*But I remember…*
*It s...
Friday Faves
*freckles on her nose, Sloane on Father's Day*
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talent." ~ Steve Martin
** Blog...
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laughing and splashing, wet sand
smeared on his face, chest, arms
having the time of his life, no doubt-
is what we alwa...
Our Mothers
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who are my favorites,
of all the folks upon the earth.
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they are the ones who tend
Lonely Hipsters [Redux]
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perched in public
earbuds in
dressed to the tens
paperback in right hand
cigarette in the left
silently begging
to be noticed
but not rea...
by now
by now
i hope you've found me
that you know i haven't disappeared
that i'm still writing about this crazy thing we all call life and filling
my posts wi...
From the mountain’s base he gazed
Upwards towards the summit,
A foreshadow of the climb to follow.
He began to scale the silver rock—
The slithering trail ...
Every Flower Is The Rose
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Friday 4...
From a Summit High
From a Summit High
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Under Reconstruction.. New Facelift Coming Soon..
The post Under Reconstruction.. New Facelift Coming Soon.. appeared
first on Enlighten Your Day.
[[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website ...
Another Awakening
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realized what I had done A shadow, cast by moonlight, alerted me to my
freedom I wan...
After much thought I’ve decided to suspend this blog. I will leave what is
here for the rest of the year so you might read the poetry I’ve posted ...
New Perceptions
*New Perceptions*
*My life today is from decisions once made*
*Resentment and Rejection has been long over-played*
*The secret to life, I've yet to fin...
New Blog - December 09, 2010
Thank you to everyone who has
followed this blog. I now have a new
one that can be located at
Neva Flores
The Fence
Today was a big day
momentous in fact
Today we finished the fence
5' tall horse fencing, wooden posts
It looks great
in a country sort of a way
For the fini...
Tonight, let your substance ascend
establish my dreams with flesh
let your kisses travel distances and oceans
swallowing fresh my glances with your legs o...
Screenwriting 101: Wentworth Miller
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time is, ‘Am I entertained? Still?’ If the answer is ‘yes,’ I’ll assume
other p...
We've Moved
Hello all, Living a Life of Writing has moved, so please set your bookmarks
and other links to http://livingalifeofwriting.com See you there.
Goodbye and Hello
Seven years ago this month I started this blog and wrote my first post. My
goal was to tell other writers about the opportunity that booklets present.
Organic SEO: How It Works?
[image: What really is Search Engine Optimization?]
What really is Search Engine Optimization? (Photo credit: Go Local Search) In
order to have your blog...
A Letter to Wired Magazine
Dear Editors: You published in your February, 2012 issue a piece titled
“Use Your Own Words”. In fact, you chose to make it the first article in
the magazi...
Okay, I Give: I'm out of the Bang
I wanted to do this Dragon Age Bang, I did. But it's now been a full four
weeks since the last update on the group page and the deadline to post
anonymous ...
Help us Celebrate a Year of Fabulous Writing!
Help us celebrate a year of creativity and accomplishment by joining us on
June 3rd. Our writers (ages 8-18) will read excerpts from their polished
My First App
*I have a dilemma regarding ebook publishing. I am a seasoned graphic
designer/illustrator trying to break into the kidlit industry with an
a foundation
of support.
Today, I am aware of support....from family...from friends...from virtual
*Creativity is concerned with producing the unusual. *
*The creative process is concerned with producing [a creator’s] vision,
usual or unusual.*
* ...
Summer in New Zealand
Tolerably earnestly middleton extremely distrusts she boy now not. Add and
offered prepare how cordial two promise. Greatly who affixed suppose but
I am recommending you an invitation to the Everest expeditions which FB
showed the famous Sherpa – Rinji Sherpa. Rinji Sherpa: Adventure High
Mountain is g...
Auckland New Zealand
When we were in New Zealand a few years ago we rode the Shotover Jet. It
was exciting to say the least! the boat drivers are maniacs. Anyway, we