*** A huge blog list of feeds of favorite bloggers from The Social Poets blog : General musings blogs from many countries, original poetry, how to better your writing, blogs about books, education and learning, mountain climbing, life coaching and travel blogs of living in another country.

*** Thanks for visiting! I'm always adding to this list. If you wish to be added just email me: warriorspearl@gmail.com. Join me for coffee over at The Social Poets main blog! - Denny Lyon

17 November 2011

Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food: Posts Roundup at Dennys Blogs - 17 Nov 2011

Cover of "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart...

Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food: Posts Roundup at Dennys Blogs - 17 Nov 2011: From Denny: Check out blog posts on photography, arts, food, news, politics, a huge amount of humor - especially the political pundits, poetry, astronomy, quotes, music, spiritual and just about anything else that catches my eclectic interest. Can you tell that 140 characters just doesn't work for me? :)

The last posts roundup I did was back in June and we sure are overdue like a long pregnancy. Be sure to bookmark this post as you will enjoy endless hours of laughing while you absorb some good information.

Most of the blog posts are at my flagship blog that spun off into the other 20, The Social Poets, where the news crashes into humor. I even manage to write a few in-depth news posts, slicing and dicing the BS that passes for truth these days on the airwaves.

And to think I do all this in my spare time... Hope you enjoy!

12 June 2011

Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food: Posts Roundup at Dennys Blogs - 12 June 2011

Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food: Posts Roundup at Dennys Blogs - 12 June 2011: "From Denny: Check out what has been happening in the world of news, comedy, food, poetry, photography, art, music and more. In the past month a whirlwind of news occurred. World terrorist Osama bin Laden was hunted down and killed in a resort town in Pakistan where he had been hiding for the past six years. Supposedly, the Pakistanis were unaware of his presence there. Yeah? And I've got some swamp land in Louisiana to sell you too.

President Obama got a nice bump in approval ratings for about a week and then that fizzled as he resumed his usual do-nothing stance on the economy. Obama also continued with poisonous politics aimed at his own Democrats, throwing them all under the bus in favor of Big Business."

02 May 2011

The Social Poets: Dead: Osama Bin Laden, Time To Stop Iraq-Afghan Wars

The Social Poets: Dead: Osama Bin Laden, Time To Stop Iraq-Afghan Wars: "From Denny: Justice came swiftly this weekend, dished out from American Special Forces in a deadly fire fight, unleashed by President Obama to kill decades-long terrorist Osama Bin Laden. The mastermind of the 9/11 terrorist attacks in 2001 was found living in the lap of luxury in a large mansion in the affluent suburb of Abbottabad, about 30 miles outside of Islamabad, Pakistan. As it was, in the 40 minute fire fight, it was believed he used one of his wives as a human shield as he fired upon the assault team.

Terrorist cult leader turned world pariah

Like the typical cult leader he preached sacrifice and frugal living to his dewy-eyed followers yet enjoyed a lavish life style for himself, his family and closest followers."

17 April 2011

Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food: Posts Roundup at Dennys Blogs - 17 April 2011

Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food: Posts Roundup at Dennys Blogs - 17 April 2011: "While the Japanese nuclear crisis continues unabated, the rest of the world has moved on, dreading the inevitable. At the moment the world community has pressured Japan to come up with a plan to contain or deal with the crisis over a nine month period.

Why the same people are in charge of this mess that created the mess is a mystery. It's as foolish as it was to trust BP to clean up the oil spill disaster in my own Gulf of Mexico. Serious hardships still exist as a result of President Obama and BP refusing to do what it takes to make things right, especially in Louisiana.

At the very least the President could do is refuse to allow BP access to any of America's oil fields on or off shore. The company has simply not earned the right to drill for oil on American soil or in our oceans."

01 April 2011

The Social Poets: 12 Best of The Web Funny April Fools Day: Pranked, Spoofed and Trashed

The Social Poets: 12 Best of The Web Funny April Fools Day: Pranked, Spoofed and Trashed: "There are those among us - of a cheeky bent - who look forward to this one day a year when people forgive us for pranking them. Today the web was full of April Fool's Day fun from every angle, a real bumper crop of craziness!

1 - First up: Google leads the fun with their prank about their new feature of 'motion-controlled' email. After all, typing on a keyboard is 'so last century,' right? And Google says it's also 'outdated' and 'inefficient.'

'To open a message make a movement as if you were opening an envelope. To reply, simply point backward with your thumb,' Google says in a video demonstration. More instructions? 'To reply all, use both hands. To send a message, lick a stamp and place it down.'

Well, you too can look like a complete fool by believing this satire and standing up in your office cubicle on Freaky Friday and get elected Fool Of The Day by using various body language to instruct your computer. It's like using cat body language to write an email. Hey, whatever floats your boat."

31 March 2011

The Social Poets: Libya War: Funny Late Nite Jokes Roundup

Stephen Colbert arrives at Al Faw Palace at Ca...Image by DVIDSHUB via Flickr

The Social Poets: Libya War: Funny Late Nite Jokes Roundup: "Check out what the comedians lampoon about The Peace President, Obama, going into Libya. Boy, I tell ya, a guy tries to help out some desperate people in a foreign country from getting slaughtered and all he gets is flak from the Republicans and comedians.

Of course, like so many sticky political situations, it's all about The Ego. The mostly male media ratchets up The Ego Meter by declaring Prez Obama is a wimp if he doesn't succeed at deposing Gadafi now that he's declared, 'Gadafi must go!' So, suddenly out come The Big Guns: the CIA operatives magicly appear in Libya 'advising' the rebel forces. Read that as, 'These guys are so clueless the only way to keep them alive is knock some sense into them and show them how to win.'"

28 February 2011

The Social Poets: Posts Roundup at Dennys Blogs - 28 Feb 2011

The Social Poets: Posts Roundup at Dennys Blogs - 28 Feb 2011 - Choose from world news analysis combined with the best political cartoon opinion, celebrity watching, science and health news, arts, poetry, funny photos, serious photography, funny videos, great satire, awesome food and spiritual thoughts.

15 January 2011

Popular Posts 2010 at Dennys Funny Quotes

The Most Outrageous take home all the toys:  Congrats to Lady Gaga

From Denny: Thanks for all your support this year; your response has been awesome! Total fun ever since I began this crazy blog back in the summer last year. Glad to know there are so many funny peeps out there in virtual land who enjoy a good grin...

Most Popular Posts Ever:

Popular Posts 2009 of Dennys Funny Quotes and Thank YOU!

Popular Posts 2010 at Dennys Funny Quotes and Thank You!

42 Monday Morning Funny Coffee Quotes, Coffee Cartoon

10 Funny Cute Cat Quotes and Cat Cartoon

Funny Crazy Cat Quotes

25 Funny Quotes about Jokes and Politics

Funny Political Cartoons Sampler 12 Dec 2009

The Great American Immigration Debate: Political Cartoons - 8 May 2010

Funny Friendship Quotes

Funny Halloween Quotes, Halloween Cartoon


Funny Video: WikiLeaks Reveals Santa Naughty List

Funny Christmas Cartoons - Check out the irreverent cartoonist offerings for the holiday season.

Original Christmas Poem Story: The Night Before Christmas - the original and, of course since I'm from Louisiana, the funny Cajun version - and funny Santa cartoons.

Shoveling snow? Protect your back and your heart

42 Monday Morning Funny Coffee Quotes, Coffee Cartoon 

26 Funny Political Cartoons - 6 Feb 2010

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